

Who We Are

The Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) is an incorporated body, whose members have responsibility for the administration, regulation and control of motor vehicle transportation and highway safety in Canada.

CCMTA’s owners are Canada’s 14 provincial, territorial and federal governments, responsible for transportation and highway safety.


Active in road safety for over 80 years, our role is to:

  • Respond to specific requests made by the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety and advise and make recommendations to members as appropriate.
  • Encourage and foster Pan-Canadian uniformity and regulatory cooperation to the extent possible.
  • Identify and address national road safety concerns and conduct research that supports members.
  • Develop and maintain Pan-Canadian and International agreements.
  • Exchange knowledge and data, using technology, to support members’ needs.

The Membership of the Corporation consists of Canada’s fourteen (14) Provincial, Federal and Territorial Governments, each is represented by an individual appointed from among such Governments’ departments, commissions, agencies, or crown corporations charged with the administration, regulation or control of transportation and highway safety.

Board of Directors

Board members are elected from each provincial, territorial, and federal governments.

As a non-profit, the Board of Directors has a duty and fiduciary responsibility under law to make decisions in the best interest of the Corporation, and a duty to supervise the management of the activities of CCMTA.

Provincial/Territorial Departments of Transportation (7)

Alberta Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors

Lynn Varty
Assistant Deputy Minister
Traffic Safety Services

Nova Scotia Department of Public Works

Dan Leopold
Executive Director
Registry of Motor Vehicles, Vehicle Compliance & Safety

Northwest Territories Department of Infrastructure

Andy Tereposky
Compliance and Licensing Division

Nunavut Department of Economic Development and Transportation

John S. Hawkins
Assistant Deputy Minister

Ontario Ministry of Transportation

Felix Fung
Assistant Deputy Minister, Transportation Safety Division

Yukon Department of Highways and Public Works

Ryan Parry
Transport Services & Registrar of Motor Vehicles

Public Safety and Service Departments (3)

Digital Government and Service NL

Krista Cull
Acting Registrar of Motor Vehicles

New Brunswick Department of Justice and Public Safety

Nicole Shorrock (Vice-Chair)
Registrar of Motor Vehicles
Motor Vehicle Branch

RoadSafetyBC | Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General

Toby Louie
Assistant Deputy Minister and Superintendent of Motor Vehicles

Public Insurance Corporations (3)

Manitoba Public Insurance

Maria Campos
Vice President and Chief Customer and Product Officer

Societé de l’assurance automobile du Québec

Lyne Vézina
Directrice générale de la recherche et du développement en sécurité routière

Saskatchewan Government Insurance

Kwei Quaye (Chair)
Vice President, Traffic Safety Services
Auto Fund

Federal Department of Transportation (1)

Transport Canada

Melanie Vanstone
Director General,
Multi-Modal and Road Safety Programs


To guide the Board in making decisions in the best interests of the Corporation, the Board has confirmed the following accountabilities:

  • To the Council of Deputy Ministers and Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety for providing advice and making recommendations on matters relating to transportation and highway safety.
  • To the Provincial, Territorial, and Federal governments for promoting a better understanding and cooperation in all matters related to transportation and highway safety among those governments, and other organizations where there exists a mutual interest.
  • To its members (which is explicitly government) for complying with its by-laws and applicable legislation to achieve its mission and vision.
  • To its stakeholders and associates for maintaining an ongoing dialogue and consultation to ensure CCMTA is responsive and informative.


The CCMTA Board of Directors has created a governance framework to support its mandate and role.

Please click on the image below to enlarge and view the governance chart.

Standing Committees

The Standing Committees of the Board consist of the following with membership restricted to Board members:

  • Executive Committee
  • Governance Committee
  • Audit and Finance Committee

Program Committees

Program Committees provide a collaborative and participatory forum for the development of modern and consistent standards, practices and priorities and contribute to the implementation of Canada’s road safety strategies.

Each of the program committees consists of a total of 14 individuals from provincial and territorial governments, as well as the federal government, represented by Transport Canada.

Compliance and Regulatory Affairs

Members work focuses on:

  • commercial vehicles, drivers, and carrier operations in Canada and internationally,
  • maintenance of the National Safety Code,
  • identifying and addressing emerging road safety issues.

Membership Roster

Next Meeting
Annual Meeting 2025
June 9-11, 2025
Regina, Saskatcewan

Drivers and Vehicles

Members work focuses on:

  • driver safety and licensing and vehicle safety and registration in Canada and internationally,
  • maintenance of the National Safety Code,
  • maintenance of the Canadian Drivers Licence Agreement,
  • identifying and addressing emerging road safety issues.

Membership Roster

Next Meeting
Annual Meeting 2025
June 9-11, 2025
Regina, Saskatcewan

Road Safety Research and Policies

Members work focusses on:

  • coordination of federal provincial and territorial road safety efforts,
  • recommendations in support of road safety programs,
  • maintenance and regular review of Canada’s Road Safety Strategy,
  • identifying and addressing emerging road safety issues and research initiatives.

Membership Roster

Next Meeting
Annual Meeting 2025
June 9-11, 2025
Regina, Saskatcewan


To have the safest and most efficient movement of people and goods by road in the world


To provide collaborative leadership in addressing Canadian road safety priorities and members’ digital services







People First