
Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2024-2027

For more than 80 years, CCMTA has been supporting members in achieving their road safety goals. This strategic plan builds on this legacy, positions the organization for the future, and enables CCMTA to achieve its mission and vision, and exercise its values.

The CCMTA Strategic Plan identifies five priority areas and takes into consideration emerging issues, member needs, and ongoing core mission-related activities.

Strategic Priorities




Member-Driven Solutions

Provide innovative, timely initiatives, white papers and guidance that meet member needs and maximizes resources

• Build collaborative Pan-Canadian research and data environment
• Support members in knowledge management exchange


Develop and maintain Reciprocal Pan-Canadian and International Agreements

• National Safety Code
• Road Safety Strategy
• Canadian Driver Licence Agreement
• International Agreements
• Data Exchange Agreements

Government and Stakeholder Relationships

Respond to the Councils of Deputy Ministers and Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety in addressing road safety priorities

Foster effective relationships with all stakeholders to meet CCMTA goals

• Advance key files
• Identify value-added initiatives
• Consult with industry stakeholders

Organizational Effectiveness

Be a best-in-class organization

• Committed to strong governance
• Build organizational capacity and capability
• Be fiscally responsible
• Identify and implement revenue growth strategies to ensure sustainability

Technology & Data Services

Secure, reliable and relevant technology services

• Deploy a comprehensive data strategy
• Deploy modern and secure technology for the exchange of driver, vehicle and carrier data
• Develop and provide digital services

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